MHD N13 OTS Maps by PureBoost:
- Stage 1 pack has the Stage 1 map for 93 oct / 98 ron or better.
- Stage 2 pack has the Stage 2 map for 93 oct / 98 ron or better.
MHD N13 OTS Maps by PureBoost:
An activated module or license cannot be returned.
If you have entered the wrong key or device number, the return is not valid. It is not possible to modify the license for another device.
Pay attention to all information specified in the description of modules and scripts taken from the manufacturer. We are not responsible if the information is not correct or there are some differences from the reality. In the disputed situation, it is necessary to look for a solution to the issue to the manufacturer.
Our store is not responsible for the functionality of the software module. We cannot guarantee the declared functions since we are not the developer.