1) Download “Driver Guardant key” and install the driver for the iProgUSB USB key.
2) Download “Soft iProgUSB 2.1x” and install the program.
3) To activate the calculators, go to Help -> About and specify the key number “Key ID” in the order. If you ordered a key with a calculator, then send the “Key ID” in a reply email to the email confirming your order from iobd.io.
4) After receiving the activation data, go to your personal account at the link https://iprogusb.ru/input.html and enter the serial number in the field and click “Goto ->”
5) Enter your data into the fields
6) Download your available calculators
7) After downloading, unzip and copy to the Calculators folder. If an old version of the calculator was previously installed, it should be removed.
8) Launch the program and we see in the right part of the program window that our calculators have been added (for example, calculators for motorcycles were installed).