1) Download the full version of the program on the official website.
2) Install the program.
Select to install the drivers
3) Run the program. Please note - the first boot maybe is long, the firmware is being updated in the device
After the updates, the program is ready to work.
4) To activate modules, the following information is required:
- Full name;
- Email;
- Serial number;
- Dongle.
To see the Serial number and Dongle ID, go to Help -> About. Double-clicking on the Serial number and Dongle will copy it to the clipboard.
If you purchased a device together with a module, please email us your order number and information for activating the module.
5) After receiving the module activation code, you need to go to Help -> Enter Activation Code, paste the code into the field, click OK and start loading the modules.
In our case, the module "Combiloader HK SIM2K-25x, SIM2K-26x [080] module set" was added.